SHSU Planetarium and Observatory

If you were to ask Mike Prokosch to tell you where his favorite place is on this pale blue dot, he most likely will talk your ear off about the Sam Houston State Observatory…or the SHSU Planetarium. It kinda depends on the weather. Huntsville doesn't have the darkest skies or the largest telescope and our planetarium is by no means the biggest theater, but a visit to either place is something SHSU students and guests remember fondly, often returning for either the incredible “knock your socks off” views through the telescopes or for one of the spectacular planetarium shows.
Mike has worked for the SHSU Physics department since Fall 2002 and feels fortunate to have been able to see and do so many different things. If you really want a complete list of programs and projects he has worked on, he's happy to share it with you if you have the cup of coffee, but if pressed, he says the single best thing has been participating as an ambassador in the ACEAP 2015 cohort, which has in turn lead to many other opportunities.
More recently, Mike worked on the IDATA project, first as a teacher and again as a developer. Between that, the local Huntsville Amateur Astronomy Society, planetarium shows, and the occasional newspaper article, he stays pretty busy. Now as the Director of the SHSU Observatory and Planetarium, he would like to take the opportunity to invite you to visit.
*Not responsible for the loss of any socks.